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Here is the 2020 to 2021 Hamden Rotary Leadership
Irfan Ahmed, MBA
Club President
Paul Begeman, Esq
Magdalena Rosales-Alban, MBA
A Message from the Club President
Welcome to the Hamden Rotary Club website! I am Irfan Ahmed, President of the Hamden Rotary for the 2020-2021 year. I encourage you to learn more about Rotary and our Club by navigating through our calendar, pictures, newsletters, and descriptions of the 5 Avenues of Service. All are welcome at our weekly meetings and if you are interested in joining our club, I will even pay for your first breakfast with us! For questions, please feel free to use the "Contact Us" function and we will be sure to get right back to you.
Here is just a little history....
In just 100 years, Rotary has grown from a small club of four members to a worldwide network of men and women who share a common vision for a better world. The world's first service organization, Rotary has a long history of helping those in need and uniting people of different cultures and beliefs. Through the work of individual Rotary clubs, and through the programs of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation, We, Rotarians are making the world a better place.
Hamden Rotary Officers:
President Irfan Ahmed
President-elect Open
Secretary Paul Begemann
Treasurer Magdalena Rosales-Alban (Maya)
Committee Chairs:
International Service Mohammad Elahee
Community Service Betsy Gorman
Club Service Lynn Campo
Vocational Service John Nolan
Membership Chair Fabiola Giguere
Past Presidents:
Magdalena Rosales-Alban 2019-2020
Lee and Lynn Campo 2018-2019
Paul Begemann 2017-2018
Lynn Campo 2016-2017
Paul T. Murray 2015-2016
Lee Campo 2014-2015
Mohammad Elahee 2013-2014
Joena Russell 2012-2013
John Nolan 2011-2012
Rich Miller 2010-2011
Various 2009-2010
Mohammad Elahee 2008-2009
Rich Miller 2007-2008
Lynda Hammond 2006-2007
Linda Rovero 2005-2006
Cathy Forsberg 2004-2005
Roger Rovero 2003-2004
Thomas Hylinski 2002-2003
Debra Sharkey 2001-2002
Michael Golrick 2000-2001
Diane Mullin 1999-2000
Brian Poirier 1998-1999
Charles Roderick 1997-1998
E. Richard Betz 1996-1997
Betsy Gorman 1995-1996
Lee Davies 1994-1995
E.L. "Woody" Hoyt 1993-1994
Jerry DeLucia 1992-1993
Dr. Beverly Damen 1991-1992
Edward Naughton 1990-1991
Geoffrey Ramsey 1989-1990
John Nolan 1988-1989
Charles Roderick 1987-1988
Paul Peterson 1986-1987
Fred Sette 1985-1986
John Kennedy 1984-1985
Paul Falcigno 1983-1984
Frank Caro 1982-1983
Michael Bergantino 1981-1982
Henry Benham 1980-1981
Frederick Guarino 1979-1980
Bingham J. Humphrey 1978-1979
Gerow C. Crowell, Jr. 1977-1978
Charles Berlepsch 1976-1977
Rev. Owen Sanderson 1975-1976
Joseph Bruno 1974-1975
Malcolm Langdon 1973-1974
Edward Saad 1972-1973
George H. Zeisner, Sr. 1971-1972
Herbert Etter 1970-1971
Henry Englehardt 1969-1970
Martin Hungerford 1968-1969
Kimball Johnson 1967-1968
George Esposito 1966-1967
V. Paul Leddy 1965-1966
Cyril B. Fowler 1964-1965
Oscar Roos 1963-1964
Augustus Dogherty 1962-1963
Franklin Ferguson 1961-1962
Alfred Paolella 1960-1961
Samuel Caldwell 1959-1960
Carl Judisch 1958-1959
David Beers 1957-1958
William Curr 1956-1957
David Wyllie, Jr. 1955-1956
Russell Spicer 1954-1955
Robert Pratt 1953-1954
Daniel W. Mooney 1952-1953
Thayer Jones 1951-1952
Truman Ferguson 1950-1951
Roland Morgan 1949-1950
Walter Corey 1948-1949
C. Craig Ingram 1947-1948
Nathan Hamerman 1946-1947
Wilfred Moody 1945-1946
Romano Rivolto 1944-1945
James Everett 1943-1944
F. Walden Wright 1942-1943
Malcolm Munson 1941-1942
Myron Brock 1940-1941
Howard W. Dickerman 1939-1940
Christopher Turner 1938-1939
Harris Graham 1937-1938
Service Above Self
Chartered on March 8, 1937
Rotary International District 7980
Club #
Hamden, Connecticut USA
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